Thursday, June 23, 2011
What the heck am I thinking??
Well initially I panicked. My first gut reaction was to restrict him to the house to reduce any possible negative influence she might have, but let's face it, you can't keep an almost grown man shut up in the house indefinitely so that was out. My second was to talk to her and let her know that my son was a minor and that she should NOT be seeking him out, but then try inviting someone to church after THAT conversation. But finally, my senses kicked in and I did what I should have done in the first place, I prayed and opened my Bible. And what a weird experience to be hit with conviction and peace at the same time, but that's exactly what happened.
The conviction was for not reaching for my word & prayer first and for doubting in the first place, but beautiful blessed peace because I know how we have raised our son, and that he WILL make the right choices.
Proverbs 22:6 clearly tells us to:
6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it".
Glory Hallelujah! Is it really that simple? Yes it is. This does not mean that we are foolish or turning a blind eye but rather we are allowing our son to use his wisdom to make decisions for his life. We are also making sure that we are more interactive with our community, spending time outside, connecting with those around us and being in the area.
Raising a teenager can be hard at times, but there is so much joy and satisfaction in it and I promise you... it is WORTH it!!!! :)
God Bless!!
Monday, June 20, 2011
CrAzY Month!!
The best way to describe it would be this:
So you see what happened was...
I was leaving the Tim McGraw concert on Sunday night and was accidentally pushed into a pothole by drunk idiots intoxicated people and turned both ankles.
So I have a Hairline re-fracture on the top of my left ankle with pulled tendons and ligaments. Bad sprain on right ankle. Good times.
Thank God for Toradol and morphine and hospital WiFi. :/
So needless to say... I DID NOT start my job on Monday, the 6th but they were really understanding and my new start date was today, June 20th. I love my job, but my ankles? Not so much
Also can I just tell you that it bugs me that I can't attach some great photography story to this?? Noooooo nothing that exciting... But below is my most sincere note to Mr. McGraw:
Dear Tim McGraw
As we were leaving a couple of rather intoxicated fans, were pushing and teasing each other, their conversation went a little like this:
Her: "Oh he's so good and sexy and let's face it hun... You're no Tim McGraw" (Good natured shove happens at this point)
Him: (slurred speech) "That's ok, you're sure's hell no Faith Hill"
(Not so good natured shove sends said fan careening into me, at which point I tried to side step and step into a pothole turning both ankles inward and ended my night in E.R and then admitted into the hospital and still here today (Wednesday, June 8th).
So in my best Taylor Swift mode I dedicate this to you...
But when I think, Tim McGraw
I try not to think of that concert flaw
It’s ok that I can’t dance all night long
Because the people beside me drank till they were bombed
When I think EMT
I try not to think about how they pushed me
Don’t think of my ankles swollen or blue
There was nothing you could do
But when I think Tim McGraw
I think black and blue :P
Looking forward to your next concert although I might just wait until the parking lot is empty until I leave ;)
Friday, May 20, 2011
Your Precious Gift...
To create a Bible based environment in our home life that allows are children to thrive in constant P.R.A.I.S.E.
Romans 12: 2
Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good, pleasing and perfect.
Everyone knows that being a teenager is one of the hardest seasons of life, they have peer pressure, academic pressure, life decision making, Family, Relationship, TEMPTATION all while building and maintaining their relationship with God. It’s that defining moment when right in the middle of enjoying being a teenager; maturity slithers in and demands their attention. It’s finding that delicate balance between enjoying their “lack of responsibility” yet at the same time longing for respect and acknowledgement that they are “becoming” adults.
It is our
Important Things You’ll Need
*The Word
*DON'T GIVE UP Teenagers struggle with their identity and less than one out of three will find the help and encouragement they need.. It is during the periods of time when teenagers do not feel supported that they can act out. Especially when it’s hard or difficult and your teenager may be communicating a lack of interest in a mentor/discipleship relationship, it is essential to always remain available and persistent.
*SET BOUNDARIES for expectations and communication. Your teenager will act out less if they know the rules in advance and what you expect from them. It also allows better control of situations before they get out of control. Do not let your communication get out of control. Teenagers are great at trying to deflect issues by becoming argumentative or verbally abusive. Two key words allow you to take control of any situation. Regardless and Nevertheless are key tools in letting your teenager know that you have heard their complaint and frustration and allow you at the same time to return to the actual issue.
*COMMUNICATE While it's not necessarily useful to push the teenager to communicate with you about personal issues they have in their life, it is essential that you ask about them. As children grow they begin to develop their own very distinct personalities and even if they aren't able to share with you, it is a great message to hear that you care. This also does not mean that you allow your teenager to run over the top of you, but that you are available to discuss these things with them
*GIVE YOUR ALL It is important for a teenager to get the benefit of having your undivided attention from time to time. Make dates with your teenager and allow him/her to choose the location or activity. Maybe it's as simple as grabbing a soda or taking a walk. Maybe you have a monthly activity or go to a sports event... just the two of you. This behavior reinforces their sense of importance, self esteem, and continues to make available an open and personal line of communication with the teen.
*KEEP YOUR PROMISES It is incredibly important for you to take your role as a parent seriously and to never back out on your teenager. If you tell them you are going to do something… FOLLOW THROUGH. The messages you send when you back out of an obligation quality time can drastically detract from the relationship.
*SPEAK IN POSITIVES Learn to phrase your advice in the affirmative voice rather than the negative voice. Instead of saying "Don't forget to..." say "Remember to..."
*EXPLAIN WHY This is one of the most important parts of communicating with teens. If you don't explain why you are giving the advice that you are giving, it seems like a simple directive and there is no emotional attachment to following your instruction. If you explain WHY you believe that safe sex, abstinence, etc. is a good idea... it will make more sense to a teen.
*TELL THE TRUTH It is important not to deceive your teenager with the intent to try and affect their behavior. Lying to them about why something is dangerous, or what the benefits or liabilities are of a decision is not very fair; nor will they trust you in the future should they catch you in a lie. Instead, teach your teenager responsible decision-making by being honest about all the options and lovingly guiding them.
*DISCIPLINE WITH LOVE News Flash!! Teenagers are not perfect. But let’s be honest… none of us are. By showing disappointment while not simultaneously showing love and understanding can cause your teenager to develop a complex that they can’t ever do anything right. Also it can cause you to jeopardize your relationship. Explain to the teenager what the repercussions of their decisions are. Remember to tell them that you still love them even if they've messed up.
*TELL THEM YOU LOVE THEM As often as possible. When they least expect it. And don't just do it with your words. Following some of these aforementioned steps will SHOW them that you love them. It is crucial your teenager know that you love and care about them. Never miss an opportunity to show them how much you love them.
God Bless
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Good morning WORLD
Let me set the scene for you... 3 women sitting next to me, discussing the successes and failures (mostly failures I am sad to say) of their children, they talk about how graduating from Kindergarten is NOT a big deal and they shouldn't have to take time out of their busy schedules to attend, how their child DOES NOT need a new outfit and that they can just pick out anything from their closet. To quote one Mom: "This is my third child, been there done that".
It is important to understand that these are the same women that 15 minutes prior were talking about the resort they stayed at that was $600.00 per night and how being "Stay at home" mom's allowed them to do this, so obviously work and money was not the issue. Imagine my shock to find that of these three women... one of the children are adopted from another country. So this is supposed to be a "Chosen" child. They spent the time complaining about how their children are spoiled and they can't deal with them. HELLO??? WHO is raising them??
What a huge contrast to our parenting group. In that moment my heart broke for their children. It was clear that they have missed that their children are precious gifts to be honored and treasured, not cast aside without a thought. In Ephesians 5:13 is says: "But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light." What light are they pouring into their children? More importantly... what is that light's source?
I encourage you to tell your children everyday, that you love and treasure them. Praise their successes especially to your friends. Be gentle and loving always. Before you know it, they are gone, raised and gone their way and you want to make sure they carry those cherished memories with them everywhere life takes them.
God Bless,
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
If you don't give up
This is from a song, and I am afraid to say I don't remember which one, but I am pretty sure that it is something country since that is what 50% of my household listens to most of the time. For some reason this lyric has been stuck in my head all day. And it's got me to thinking (uh oh... look out world), about how many times we give up quickly and move on to something easier.
So let's use an example that's real. Losing weight. I would love to have my son's gift of massively high metabolic rate, but the reality is, I don't. So too many times I "try", "Fail" and then give up. I know, Wtg RIGHT? For me? This is my one weakness, the one thing that I feel holds me back the most and the one place I keep giving up. And I get tired of it, so very tired of it. I could quote multiple scriptures at this moment, but really it all breaks down to Philippians 4:13 "I can do ALL things THROUGH Christ who gives ME STRENGTH."
So I have decided:
I'm doing this for me. Not for those who called me too fat to be pretty.
Not for the snooty vendors who look down on me when I try on dresses.
Not for those who say "Too bad, she has a pretty face".
Not to make my parents happy.
Not to fit in to a stereotypical idea of beauty.
I'm doing this to get healthy.
To show myself that I can.
To be a strong woman: I can be athletic. I can be beautiful.
I want to feel good in my own skin.
I want to find MYSELF beautiful.
I want to look in my mirror and smile.
I don't want to think "What if I felt good in my skin ..." anymore.
I don't want to look at a beautiful dress and think "Too bad..."
I don't want to think of myself in disgust. My body and I deserve better than that.
I don't want to mistreat my body. It's not my own little garbage can.
I don't want to devalue my health.
I do not want to binge and purge, binge and purge.
I do not want to punish myself anymore.
I'm going to do this, slowly but surely.
And it's going to make all the difference.
God Bless,
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Just a step ahead
I spent the week praying, sometimes worrying and studying in preparation. Sometimes wondering why God would chose me, with all my flaws and mistakes. Don't get me wrong. I know how He used a murderer (Moses), and adulterer (David), and a doubter (Good ol Thomas)to huge degrees, but me? I spent hours arguing with myself, questioning myself, trying to find excuses on why I should not do it. But try as I might, God would just not let me get away with it.
So the grand day arrived and I woke amazed that all the nervousness had just disappeared. I was blessed with the most awesome table of ladies, sweet genuine and blessed. We had a grand time and then the most amazing thing happened. As we begin to discuss amongst ourselves the challenges we face and we were facing very similar challenges and I was just a few steps ahead in my personal progress so I was able to speak into their lives the scriptures and encouragements that God had given me.
In that moment it really hit home, that you don't have to be the best, the strongest, the smartest or the wisest. You just have to be willing... willing to not let your past determine your future, willing to trust God, willing to allow Him to use you.
Romans 10:17 says:
So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.
Could it really be that simple, that I just had to be willing to have enough faith not in myself, but in God that He knew exactly what he was doing? You know something? It really was that simple and once I was able to that, the rest was easy.
It is my hope and prayer that this will be an encouragement to others, to not hold back because of a lack of self-worth or letting their past flood their present, but rather to just be open to what God has for them.
God Bless,
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Hiding under the bed
This memory came back to me while re-listening to one of Ben Brinkman's messages on podcast and I realized that as adults we have become great at hiding under the bed right next to our monsters, squeezing our eyes shut and pretending they are not there. We are so stubborn and blind that we convince ourselves that everything will be ok if we just keep our eyes closed; and the "monster" is greedily prepping us like a tasty morsel he can't wait to devour. While the whole time the Comforter is on Top of the bed, waiting for us; to comfort us, to encourage us, to help ease our fears and face our monsters.
2 Timothy 1: 7 says:
7" For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind".
He is our source, our protector, our director, our comforter. We don't have to walk this life out alone, but too many times we CHOSE to... thinking that we can make it on our own, our Type A independent personalities taking over until we've pushed ourselves to the edge and can't do it anymore without His comfort and peace. This is the one lesson I wish I could learn and never let go of, but too often I find myself flailing under my own perseverance and determination, which is why being able to go back and listen and remind myself is so vital for me. So if you haven't heard the Urban message (The comforter - Fear 09/20/09) - Check it out (via Podcast), it's life changing and will get you out from under your bed!!!
God Bless
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Walking it Out
She could have spent hours whining to me about how unfair life is, how difficult the situation was. But instead, she asked me to pray, then proceeded to tell me how she was encouraged by Psalms 69 and how it spoke to her in both the spiritual and physical of what she was going through. She then shared how it just reaffirmed in her spirit how no matter what we face in life, we do not face it alone, that no matter the outcome, He is right there beside us.
How humbled I was at her attitude and it made me thing about how often do we all get in the middle of our circumstance and forget we are not alone? Or worse BLAME God for what is simply life. I remember this song from when I was in junior high, and it went something like this:
"He never said, you'd always see sunshine,
He never said there'd be no rain,
He only promised a heart full of singing,
At the very thing that once brought pain.
Givc them all
Give them all
Give them all to Jesus
Shattered dreams wounded hearts
And broken toys...
Give them all
Give them all
Give them all to Jesus
And he will turn your sorrows
Into Joy
We need to remember that He was wounded for our transgression, bruised for our iniquities, and yet we whine at every turn. How in our arrogance do we expect our lives to be picture perfect when His was not? Of the 12 apostles, 11 died a martyrs death, in countries all over the world they meet in secret to worship and study, and here we are whining when something doesn't go just the way we expect. Trust me I am far from guilty, (Feel free to read Out of your box if you have any doubts on the capacity of my whining capabilities) but I am willing to change, to learn and to grow.
Psalm 139:8-12 promises: “ If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,” even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.”
So no matter what we are walking though we are not alone! My dear friend has inspired me and I am holding onto this promise.
God Bless!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Pay Attention!!!
One thing you have to realize is that you take about three to four hundred pictures to get about 20-30 decent pictures, and from that you walk away with around 6-12 produced pictures. I just did a photo session with an amazing friend, and really applied the pay attention rule, making note of the scenery behind her and every other detail involved. And wow... did the pictures turn out fantastic.
This got me to thinking, what if I applied this same principle to my everyday life? To be honest, I have to say I am amazed that in spite of learning this lesson, how often I do not apply it in my life. I get so busy with the insignificant details that I forget to pay attention to what really matters; and believe it or not, it's not whether or not my house looked perfect when you come to visit, but rather how much time I invested in my children and my husband. It's whether or not I spent my time counting how often my husband told me he loved me, when I could have spent the day planning on ways to show him how much I love him. Did I spend my day counting up what a friend has done for me, or spend the day loving that friend and seeing if there is anything they need.
Hebrews 2:1 (This seems to be my verse for the month) says: "For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we don't drift away from it"
While I know that this applies to our relationship with God, I wonder, what if we apply this to every aspect of our lives. How we treat our family, our friends, strangers and even ourselves. What if for just one moment we forget about all the silly little details that society has pushed on us, set aside our personal perceptions and just love people and see how much of a difference we can make in their lives.
So stop, look around you and PAY ATTENTION. Life is waiting for you... go live it.
God Bless,
Friday, March 4, 2011
Out of Your Box
5 Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” 6 (He did not know what to say, they were so frightened.)
7 Then a cloud appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”
8 Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus."
Now this is a wonderful story of the transfiguration, but today it meant so much more than that to me. So picture this, the guys are just hanging out being guys, talking about fishing, girls, Sports, the weather; you know guys things... when all of the sudden out of no where, BAM! Jesus transfigures right in front of them! And His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them *(Rambling Side Note: As a wife and Mom, I would love to know their dazzling white secret for and the old school prophets show up and it's a righteous party.
Wait! What? What happened? This is my theory: God knew in that moment, that Peter was already limiting Him. It was a "this is going to be the best that God can do" moment, so by removing it, Peter didn't have the opportunity to settle into complacency... and look at how far God brought him.
The second thing that stood out to me was this: "when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus" Because you see, sometimes God has to bring us to moments where it is just us & Jesus, no distractions, nothing but Him. Those are the moments where the real life changes take place.
So how often do we do that in our own lives, something fairly amazing happens and we just want to stay there like this is the best its ever going to be. Or we get so busy "doing" ministry that we forget the "why" we are doing it. We forget that his word says he will take us from glory to glory, (2 Corinthians 3: 16-18) not just a single glory. Can you live your life on a single breath? Then how can you expect to live your life on a single God moment? Is it a lack of faith that keeps us from living life to the fullest or perhaps insecurity that we don't deserve it. Either way, we are the ones limiting God, not vice-versa. So get out of your box and challenge yourself.
I am not telling you its easy, believe me, I just walked though a season of being a whiny brat, feeling sorry for myself, living on past "Glories" and limiting God and what He has for my future. For about half a year (I was on medical bed rest) I wasted time that I can never get back. I could have been writing, editing pictures, reading and making plans for when I was better but no, what did I do? Pulled the covers over my head and said boo hoo... poor me.
So if the only purpose that season of my life has is to be an example of what NOT TO DO, please learn it well, press in and keep reaching for your next God moment.
God Bless you!!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The Dream that wouldn't die
"For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself."
This got me to thinking, and I am realizing that the promise isn't just for salvation but for the future the Lord has for us here on earth. That it is also for the sake of the Dreams He has planted inside of each and every one of us. But sometimes we expect those dreams to happen without any effort or work and to happen instantly. It doesn't however always work that way.
So let me tell you about this hero of mine. I know this guy who has had a dream for a long as I can remember, just one real passion, one dream that had fused itself into his very being, and in spite of all the "Nay" Sayers, he knew that one day it was going to come true. For 32 years he believed, prepared and waited with the promise of the Dream tucked safely in his heart. Then in 2010 The Katecheo Bible Training Center was opened and the Dream finally began to unfold into reality. I don't know this because I read it some where or because someone told me about it, but because I watched it walked out day after day in my Dad's life. He is truly an inspiration of faithfulness and endurance. I am proud of him and to have that example in my life.
Another hero I have is this precious sweet unassuming woman I know who made a mistake in her past that cost her dearly... and for undisclosed reasons this caused her to to lose contact with her children for 30+ years. She has told me that during that time, she carried her children in her heart, believing that someday those relationships would be restored. Little did she know that God works in wondrous and mysterious ways. She had since moved to a different state with a new life, but still held that hope in her heart, not knowing that one day, God would call her son and his family to that very city to help build a church and that she would find him once again; because when God called her son, His plan was so much bigger than building a church; He was also building and restoring a family... Not just any family, my family.
How many times do we so quickly give up because our dreams don't happen the moment we want them? There is an expression that says: "God grant me patience but I want it right now" and this really has become our motto in life. We live in a society of instant gratification and we expect results immediately; and when that doesn't happen, we throw ourselves to the floor and throw our little tantrums.
How do I know this? Because I have done this more times than I care to admit. I get frustrated and give up way to easy, but the problem with that is the Dream is still there so even if you try to throw it away, it's never really gone. So I am not praying for patience any more because I already have it, I just need to learn to practice it. Not just once in a while but daily and I encourage you to do the same. After all: Practice makes perfect!
God Bless
Monday, February 28, 2011
Look out world... I am back!!
I was reading this morning in the "Men must make all the coffee" book (Hebrews) in the Bible and this really stood out to me. Heb 2:1 'For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we don't drift away from it"
Now I know that no matter what happens, I am staying true to myself. I am paying Much closer attention to what I have heard... because the reality is this... Let's say that I am wrong, what have I lost? Nothing, I have a lovely life with two great kids, I am truly happy. The hours I spend in church, reading my Bible or listing to worship music are no different than the hours others spend paying for medications, seeking therapy or counseling. So if I am wrong, I have lost nothing, but the other side of that coin is this... What if I'm right?
I am also going to be more faithful with my writing so keep an eye out.
Love you all!!