So I have been out more this week, because Gracie has testing so here I sit at Starbucks (Still holding my b-day present for when I am hanging with Mel) sharing my little ramblings with the world. And I have to tell you today, I am frustrated and bewildered and the behavior of the people around me.
Let me set the scene for you... 3 women sitting next to me, discussing the successes and failures (mostly failures I am sad to say) of their children, they talk about how graduating from Kindergarten is NOT a big deal and they shouldn't have to take time out of their busy schedules to attend, how their child DOES NOT need a new outfit and that they can just pick out anything from their closet. To quote one Mom: "This is my third child, been there done that".
It is important to understand that these are the same women that 15 minutes prior were talking about the resort they stayed at that was $600.00 per night and how being "Stay at home" mom's allowed them to do this, so obviously work and money was not the issue. Imagine my shock to find that of these three women... one of the children are adopted from another country. So this is supposed to be a "Chosen" child. They spent the time complaining about how their children are spoiled and they can't deal with them. HELLO??? WHO is raising them??
What a huge contrast to our parenting group. In that moment my heart broke for their children. It was clear that they have missed that their children are precious gifts to be honored and treasured, not cast aside without a thought. In Ephesians 5:13 is says: "But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light." What light are they pouring into their children? More importantly... what is that light's source?
I encourage you to tell your children everyday, that you love and treasure them. Praise their successes especially to your friends. Be gentle and loving always. Before you know it, they are gone, raised and gone their way and you want to make sure they carry those cherished memories with them everywhere life takes them.
God Bless,
Wow, so sad. I hate the attitude that our culture has adopted that treats children like they are a if there are so many other more important things.