Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Dream that wouldn't die

I was reading this morning in Acts and 2:39 really stood out to me... it reads:

"For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself."

This got me to thinking, and I am realizing that the promise isn't just for salvation but for the future the Lord has for us here on earth. That it is also for the sake of the Dreams He has planted inside of each and every one of us. But sometimes we expect those dreams to happen without any effort or work and to happen instantly. It doesn't however always work that way.

So let me tell you about this hero of mine. I know this guy who has had a dream for a long as I can remember, just one real passion, one dream that had fused itself into his very being, and in spite of all the "Nay" Sayers, he knew that one day it was going to come true. For 32 years he believed, prepared and waited with the promise of the Dream tucked safely in his heart. Then in 2010 The Katecheo Bible Training Center was opened and the Dream finally began to unfold into reality. I don't know this because I read it some where or because someone told me about it, but because I watched it walked out day after day in my Dad's life. He is truly an inspiration of faithfulness and endurance. I am proud of him and to have that example in my life.

Another hero I have is this precious sweet unassuming woman I know who made a mistake in her past that cost her dearly... and for undisclosed reasons this caused her to to lose contact with her children for 30+ years. She has told me that during that time, she carried her children in her heart, believing that someday those relationships would be restored. Little did she know that God works in wondrous and mysterious ways. She had since moved to a different state with a new life, but still held that hope in her heart, not knowing that one day, God would call her son and his family to that very city to help build a church and that she would find him once again; because when God called her son, His plan was so much bigger than building a church; He was also building and restoring a family... Not just any family, my family.

How many times do we so quickly give up because our dreams don't happen the moment we want them? There is an expression that says: "God grant me patience but I want it right now" and this really has become our motto in life. We live in a society of instant gratification and we expect results immediately; and when that doesn't happen, we throw ourselves to the floor and throw our little tantrums.

How do I know this? Because I have done this more times than I care to admit. I get frustrated and give up way to easy, but the problem with that is the Dream is still there so even if you try to throw it away, it's never really gone. So I am not praying for patience any more because I already have it, I just need to learn to
practice it. Not just once in a while but daily and I encourage you to do the same. After all: Practice makes perfect!

God Bless


1 comment:

  1. So excited for your dream to come to pass! House of Hope will be a refuge for many, I can't wait for Resilient Ministries to support it! Yeah!
