Monday, February 28, 2011

Look out world... I am back!!

I created this blog and then it seemed like life kind of went the way of the haywire track - But I am back with a vengeance... I am taking back my life, living again, not feeling sorry for myself, moving on. OK, you get the point.

I was reading this morning in the "Men must make all the coffee" book (Hebrews) in the Bible and this really stood out to me. Heb 2:1 'For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we don't drift away from it"

Now I would like to tell you that I am the type of person that never cares what other people think, that I am secure in who I am and opinions don't matter, but I would be lying. I often care to much. But my goal in 2011 is to be me, to be free, to share my heart and not care if "You" reject" me. In the big scheme of life, it doesn't really matter. I may lose some of you but that will be your choice not mine. I will always be here for you when you need a friend. =)

Now I know that no matter what happens, I am staying true to myself. I am paying Much closer attention to what I have heard... because the reality is this... Let's say that I am wrong, what have I lost? Nothing, I have a lovely life with two great kids, I am truly happy. The hours I spend in church, reading my Bible or listing to worship music are no different than the hours others spend paying for medications, seeking therapy or counseling. So if I am wrong, I have lost nothing, but the other side of that coin is this... What if I'm right?

I am also going to be more faithful with my writing so keep an eye out.

Love you all!!
